Thursday, January 14, 2010

Harry Reid is a Jackass but not a Racist...

Over the last several days when listening to the news, I have had to resist the urge to stab myself in the ear with a pencil. This endless droning about Senate Majority "Leader" Harry Reid and his "racist" remarks is enough to wish oneself deaf. Aren't there enough substantive problems with Mr Reid's positions (Health Care Reform, Cap and Trade, Bankster Bailout, ad infinitum) to ensure the egregiously hypocritical Republicans don't have to drown us in this nonsense? Worse, because of their politically correct buffoonery, I am feeling compelled to write in the public sphere defending Mr Reid.

My thesis is two parts. Part A: Harry Reid is a jackass. I will not defend this because it is self-evident to any one with two brain cells to rub together and the capability to do 10 seconds of research on Mr Reid. If you are a supporter of the Democratic Party and cannot understand why I have stated the above, you can rest assured that you do not in fact have two brain cells to rub together.

Part B of my thesis, "Harry Reid is not a racist;" while it ought to be self-evident, must be defended. Our (U.S.) cultural presupposition of egalitarianism has made it so that we cannot say anything that does not support the logical idiocy of all men being equal. It is - of course - true that President Obama could not have gotten elected if he was eggplant colored and spoke in an ignorant ebonic type dialect. Mr Reid just stated the obvious truth. Why we have an aversion to truth in our country is difficult for me to understand but it is a fact. Racism is irrational malice towards someone because of his race. Mr Reid has not demonstrated irrational malice towards anyone other than this countries' taxpayers. Truth telling is a fairly rare occurrence for Mr Reid so he ought to be congratulated rather than castigated.

Further, while skin color is really a non-issue, the dialect of our Presidential candidates is supremely important. Why would we want an ignorant sounding president? The ebonic dialect is ignorant. It is not proper spoken English. There are plenty of other dialects that also should not be spoken by the President. Standard southern trailer park english is ignorant sounding and is roundly and justifiably made fun of. If a candidate spoke in a dialect that suggested that his main interests were WWE, Jersey Shore, Lynrd Skynrd and his new meth recipe, we rightly wouldn't vote him into the Presidency. By the same token we should not vote in one who sounds like "he be slappin some hos and biatches dat frontin' bout they work at the crack house." Although one could make an argument that a crack house manager may have been better than the choices we had in '08...

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